Course Syllabus

Welcome to HIS101, American History!

This course is a short 5 week review course that covers US History from 1775 to 1791, including the Declaration of Independence, Revolution, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. My name is Aren Jurel and I will be your instructor for this course.

The table below contains all the due dates for the course. Throughout the course, you will be engaged in peer interactions on discussion boards and peer reviews, collaborative work in teams, groups, and circles, watching videos, writing, and completing quizzes. The variety of activities should provide you with a wide range of opportunities for learning.

Use the discussion on course questions if you need explanation of any of the course assignments or activities.

A note on working with others... in this course, you will see that you may sign up to work with a team, a group, and a circle to edit three different wiki pages. These working organizations will allow you opportunities to work with a variety of people, and will help differentiate between the wiki page assignments. You are expected to work collaboratively within these structures. You may choose your own team, group or circle as the class starts the module in which they are assigned. The wiki page edits are due at the same time as the quiz for the module.

Click the Modules button on the left menu of the Home button to get started. Good luck on the course!

Mr. Jurel


Course Summary:

Date Details Due